Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Big Mistake # 4

Next big thing that many, many, many people screw up their healthy living on is this one thing: Overeating. The past week, I've have been feeling great! But yesterday, I ate a little more broccoli than I should of, and boom, woke up the next morning with  my cysts saying "you idiot!". I was eating broccoli! Healthy right? It's not about the quantity, but the quality and if we start blurring those lines, we are dead meat. Seriously, we mistake healthy eating with just eating vegetables and eating stuff that usually doesn't taste good. But no, we can eat as healthy as we want and if we're overeating, then we got nothing to show for. Your body needs to be able to digest food slowly and easily. Smaller portions and not going for seconds will help you keep your digestive system tip top shape. If you get hungry faster, just eat a little something every three hours. But please, please, don't overeat. It will leave you in a constant cycle of craving. Ugh. Worst thing ever is to crave. O.o hope this helps and I will post more hopefully tomorrow.
Have a Happy Rest!
God Bless! :)

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