Monday, April 1, 2013

Preaching to the Choir

Most of you guys know the general direction you should go to become a healthier person. But what many of us don't see is we can't do what everyone else is doing. I know women who will do these diets just become it worked for Susan or Linda or whoever. But we often find ourselves frustrated and confused when we aren't reaching our healthful goals when we adpat to a certain program of dieting. Please, my dear readers, don't fool yourself. We don't need diets, we need alterations in lifestlye. A diet suggests short term commitment/change for a result. But a lifestyle is a long term, personal and deep commitment for a longlasting result. You will not be tortured by your way of exercising or eating if it is in your lifestyle. But before I rabbit trail, let me share this with you. We all can stop eating sugar and lower our portions and start exercising. But will this bring us a healthy body? The answer is: not always. We can't go by a checklist, people. Example, I cook for my beloved fmaily sometimes and when I do I have to alter the recipe from the cookbook normally and each plate looks different and has a different portion.Take one meal for instance: BLT. My little brother eats his BLT as is, but like the bread hot and buttered. My older brother hates mayo on his and wants a little mustard but beef bacon also and maybe one layer of lettuce (he hates vegetables). My father loves it and wants is hot with something usually strange or unsual with it like chuntey or salsa and cheese on it. My mother will eat it with out the bread usually add cheese, lettuce, and salad dressing. And me? lol I eat the lettuce... :P So you see, even with one simple meal, our preference and taste differ. Each one of us is uniquely differnt and can't be put in a box. So what I'm saying is KNOW YOUR BODY. I just now am starting to know how my body reacts and what it needs and what it hates. This plays a huge role in your dieting. This is why I will be introducing a series of points in the next few weeks called Basically You: Learning More About YOU.

Hope you have a Happy Monday!

God Bless you!

Al Gloria di Deo

Miss K.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Updates and Progress

Hi guys!
Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything, but everyday I would get home from school, lessons, church, what have you and be too exhausted to type up anything. So I apologize for the lateness of this post.

I know I told you that I have Candida. Well over the past few weeks I have been researching this infection and quite honestly, this plays a HUGE role in everyone's diet. Seriously, EVERYONE. This new information on Candida disturbed so much that I have decided not to go into Pediatrics but Nutrition. Children don't need medicine, they need healthy lifestyles.

Before you think I'm just talking off my head, let me tell you this. Since I was an infant, I have been lactose intolerant and I have always struggled with food allergies. This past February it seemed like everything that passed my lips was an allergenic. I had become so toxic that my stomach was distended and I looked like I was pregnant. I had no drive when it came to energy or anything and my skin had formed these bumps that just wouldn't go away. I experienced dizzy spells and frequent colds. I had horrible hormonal health and I was a very, very weak person. I didn't realize how bad off I was because I had been sick for so long. The worst of it was my ovarian cysts that threatened my likelihood of having children and not being in pain all the time. Well, since I have been on the Candida Diet, I have experienced a 180. Honestly it is truly amazing.

So, I highly recommend you click the link below to test if you have Candida. Get your kids on it too. Your kids NEED to be healthy DESPERATELY!!! If you have ANY questions about Candida, just leave me a comment or send me an email at or

Please give your body a chance to kill this overriding fungus and just take the test. If you do have it, please let me know so I can help you get started on the road to better health.  <----the link

Have a happy day!!

God Bless!

Miss K.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Big Mistake # 4

Next big thing that many, many, many people screw up their healthy living on is this one thing: Overeating. The past week, I've have been feeling great! But yesterday, I ate a little more broccoli than I should of, and boom, woke up the next morning with  my cysts saying "you idiot!". I was eating broccoli! Healthy right? It's not about the quantity, but the quality and if we start blurring those lines, we are dead meat. Seriously, we mistake healthy eating with just eating vegetables and eating stuff that usually doesn't taste good. But no, we can eat as healthy as we want and if we're overeating, then we got nothing to show for. Your body needs to be able to digest food slowly and easily. Smaller portions and not going for seconds will help you keep your digestive system tip top shape. If you get hungry faster, just eat a little something every three hours. But please, please, don't overeat. It will leave you in a constant cycle of craving. Ugh. Worst thing ever is to crave. O.o hope this helps and I will post more hopefully tomorrow.
Have a Happy Rest!
God Bless! :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy Tummies!

Okay guys, I was told to be up by 6:00 A.M. today... Being on a vegetable/protein strict diet, I had to prepare. I opened the fridge, saw a case of zucchini and then grabbed a bag of frozen broccoli.
I sliced up the zucchini and put it in a ziploc bag and shook it up with salt, olive oil, and garlic (and oregano?). I dumped it on my cookie sheet, spread them out and placed them in the oven at 350 for 15 minutes while I boiled my broccoli and ate my yogurt with my probiotic medicine. Unfortunately, I found my new crack: Zucchini.:( haha
But for lunch, Keenan (my Boi) and I chopped up orange bell peppers, a stalk of celery, garlic, onion, potatoes, zucchini, and chives and placed it on a sheet of foil. I sprinkled about 2 tablespoon of olive oil on the mix and sprinkled salt everywhere.. You can add as much oil or butter (which I added later on) to the mix. I wrapped it up in the foil and placed it in the oven at 350 for about 40 minutes. It was delicious.:) I got this recipe from my mom. Worry free, easy, and healthy! :)

I will post more on the ideals and big mistakes of dieting later, but I have had a long day and must bid you all goodnight.

Get some healthy sleep tonight by turning off the electronics and not eating that snack before bed. Drink some chamomile tea or read. :)

Have a healthy and happy rest!

God Bless!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Big Mistake # 3

Everyone seems to think that one certain diet or pill or exercising regime to fix you. NO. thinking like that will bring disappointment. That and comparing yourself to anyone else or doing things that "Victoria secret model's" do.  Be happy with your body and find out what it can take and what it can't. Process illumination is the main idea in this stage of changing your eating habits. Anything is a possible inhibitor, so study carefully. But it is  my firm belief that every person alive should avoid (1) processed food, (2) sugar, (3) OVEREATING. Do not let food become a fixation. I can not stress that enough. It really messes with your head and you THINK you're deprived and hungry all the time but you're not, just stick with it.

Most people think of quitting eating healthy within the first few days of it, but just hang in there for a few weeks, you WILL see the difference. I already feel TONS better.:)

So remember, there is no magic pill or diet, it's just committing to fill your body with what it needs. Like my Health and Wellness Professor, James Paul always said, "Quality of life, not the quantity."

Oh and food for, well, your happy tummy:


Wild caught, Fresh Water Basa (seriously best fish I ever put in my mouth)
3 teaspoons Coconut Oil or Olive Oil
2 teaspoons Fresh Minced Garlic
2 teaspoons Oregano
Salt to taste
cup of boiled water

Heat skillet to lowish heat putting a teaspoon of oil in it. Take your garlic, oregano, and left over oil and rub it on the top of the Basa. Place in skillet and cook for about 15 mins. If, after five to ten minutes, the fish isn't turning from pink to white, pour some of the water in the skillet and cover the skillet. Repeat if necessary.

Enjoy with a vegetable bake (which is something I will show you later.)

Have a Happy Friday and Tummies! :)

God Bless!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kale Chips

Guys, these are my guilty pleasure and they are SOOO easy! Anyone can make them and they are a healthy snack! Even my Little Bro who isn't even into healthy eating loves them. Their crispy crunch is kinda addicting.:P Anywho, The recipe is down below.:) Enjoy!

Ingredients: Olive Oil and Kale
Take a teaspoon (or a tad more) of oil to your two-three cups worth of kale and just fluff the oil and kale together with your hands.
Preheat the oven to 300.
Make sure that the stem are removed from the kale before baking.
I put fresh garlic and a little bit of salt on mine but you may season it anyway you like.
Bake in the oven from 15-30 minutes and tah-dah!

Happy Tummies Everyone! :)
God Bless!

(btw, the watermark on the photos are my cousin's. My picasa automatically put them on there when I downloaded them. But this is my work.;P)

Big Mistake #2

There is no such thing as healthy sweets. Unless you are consuming some berries or fruit, you will not find it. But do not despair. I'm sure many of you have heard of the paleo diet which is mostly meat and vegetables, then whole grains and nuts (seeds also) and a very little bit of fruit and NO SUGAR. Sounds horrible doesn't it? For me, I love the Paleo diet. Seriously, it's awesome. But some people may show some trepidation about such a diet. Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to get healthy outside of paleo.

These are the most common cliches I hear from people about eating healthy:

"Just because it's organic doesn't make it superior."

"Eating like that is too expensive."

"Don't you want to eat like everyone else? You have to say no to so much. Kinda stuck up if you ask me."

"If you wanna be skinny, just exercise."

Guys, I laugh at the ignorance of these statements. I do not mean to insult anyone's intelligence by saying these aren't valid points, but like Fat Amy says "Lesbihonest." :) If you don't want to be healthy, just say so! But, Mistake Number 2 is the way people view healthy eating. It's not organic, or expensive, or starving yourself. And if you need to say no when you're out with your friends or family, guess what? They will honor that. I have had a dairy intolerance as long as I can remember and people never said "You don't want ice cream?? Weirdo. We aren't inviting you back to our parties anymore." No. See, the only people that make a big deal about the food you eat is YOU. So, when deciding not to diet, but change your lifestyle, you don't reference anyone else. This is your decision. For some people changing your health for the better might be as simple as passing up a drink or skipping dessert or making your portions smaller. We all know our bodies and know what needs to go and what needs to stay. If you are concerned and not surewhat is causing your health issues you can email me at Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, I have gone through the loops and have many referrals for what you need to do or go. I'm not a doctor, yet.:) I am training to be one.:) Well, remember, it's your choice and your body! Let's take care of it! Have a happy Thursday!
God Bless!